language proficiency of non-native English speakers. It's widely accepted for study, work, and migration purposes in English
speaking countries.
Why is the IELTS format fairer for test takers?
You deserve a fair chance to do your best. That’s why, unlike other tests, IELTS gives you a quiet room for an individual Speaking test with no distractions or interruptions.
IELTS also recognises that people have different approaches to answering questions. For example, with IELTS you can answer questions within the Reading test and the Writing test in the order that suits you. You can also make changes to your Reading answers during the hour of the Reading test and adjust your Writing responses during the hour of the Writing test.
Why choose IELTS?
It is the test for study − thousands of the world’s most reputable universities and colleges will accept your IELTS results as evidence of your English language proficiency.
It is the test for professionals − professional registration bodies in many fields will accept an IELTS result, including accounting, engineering, law, medicine, nursing, pharmacy and teaching bodies in many countries. This means that after completing your studies, you may need to take the test in order to gain professional registration in an English-speaking country. If you choose IELTS as the test you take to enter university, you will be familiar with the IELTS test format when you sit it again for professional registration.